Frances Lincoln Publishing - Beau livre en anglais - World atlas of street art

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Destination Monde
Auteur Rafael Schacter, Lachlan MacDowall
Date de publication 15 juin 2023
Edition, collection Frances Lincoln Publishing

Magnifique livre qui reprend une sélection de dessins à travers le Monde, classés par continent. De vrais oeuvres, des dessins à couper le souffle et le portraits de certain.e.s artistes

40,00 €
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Détails de l'article

Voici comment l'éditeur présente ce titre sur son site : 

This truly global and visually stunning  compendium showcases some of the most breath-taking pieces of street art and graffiti from around the world.

Since its genesis on the East Coast of the United States in the late 1960s, street art has travelled to nearly every corner of the globe, morphing into highly ornate and vibrant new styles.

This unique atlas is the first truly geographical survey of urban art, revised and updated in 2023 to include new voices, increased female representation and cities emerging as street art hubs.

Featuring specially commissioned works from major graffiti and street art practitioners, it offers you an insider’s view of the urban landscape as the artists themselves experience it.

Organized geographically, by continent and by city – from New York, Los Angeles and Montreal in North America, through Mexico City and Buenos Aires in Latin America, to London, Berlin and Madrid in Europe, Sydney and Auckland in the Pacific, as well as brand new chapters covering Africa and Asia – it profiles more than 100 of today’s most important artists and features over 700 astonishing artworks.

This beautifully illustrated book, produced with the help of many of the artists it features, dispels the idea of such art as a thoughtless defacement of pristine surfaces, and instead celebrates it as a contemporary and highly creative inscription upon the skin of the built environment.

(Source : Frances Lincoln)

1.700 kg
22 X 23 cm
Nombre de pages
400 pages
Frances Lincoln Publishing - Beau livre en anglais - World atlas of street art
40,00 €