Cicerone - Guide de randonnées (en anglais) - Coastal walks in Andalucia (the best hiking trails close to Andalucía's Mediterranean and Atlantic Coastlines)

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Destination Europe
Pays / Région Espagne
Région / Ville Andalousie
Auteur Guy Hunter-Watts
Edition, collection Cicerone Editions
Une quarantaine de randonnées à la journée sont présentées dans ce guide en anglais
20,50 €
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Détails de l'article

Voici comment l'éditeur présente ce guide sur son site :

Over 40 half and full-day walks along Andalucia's Atlantic and Mediterranean coasts. The guidebook features the best of the Subbetica range, nearly all walks falling within Natural Parks and Reserves, from Vejer to Tarifa on the Atlantic and from Estepona, Marbella and Mijas to Nerja and Almunecar on the Mediterranean. Year-round walking.
The coastal belt of Andalucía enjoys mild weather in winter, spring and autumn, while even in mid summer walks can be enjoyable thanks to the cooling influence of the Mediterranean Sea.
The area covered by this guide stretches from Vejer to Tarifa on the Atlantic Coast, and from Estepona past Marbella and Mijas to Nerja and Almuñecar on the Mediterranean.
Walks are graded as: easy, easy/medium, medium or medium/difficult. Several of the walks involve some steep ascents and descents but the routes have been chosen so that all are within the capabilities of anybody in good health who walks on a regular basis. The guide contains a mixture of half-day and full day walks.
Must See
A few hundred metres from the beaches of Andalucía's southern seaboard, the mountains of the mighty Subbetica range offer some of the finest walking in southern Europe. Mainland Spain's highest peaks, some rising to almost 4000m, are cut through by deep gorges while a series of high villages facing south to the Mediterranean serve as perfect walking bases.

A guidebook to 40 half and full day coastal walks in Andalucía. The graded routes, which are suitable for any reasonably fit walker, range from 6km to 19.5km and can be walked all year round. The walks are located in seven of the region's most beautiful National Parks and protected areas (including La Breña y las Marismas, Los Alcornocales y del Estrecho, La Sierra de las Nieves and Níjar-Cabo de Gata) and are mostly circular in nature, negating the need for any logistical legwork.

Step-by-step route descriptions for each walk are accompanied by 1:50,000 mapping, together with information about points of interest en route. Also included is a useful glossary and route summary table, plus all the practical information needed to explore Andalucía's coast on foot - equipment, safety, when to go, refreshments, accommodation and more.

The picturesque coastline of Andalucía is a walker's dream. Sandwiched between mountain and sea, walkers are rewarded with both dazzling mountain vistas and stunning seascapes. The sense of history embedded in these ancient coastal byways - which dates back to ages past - is an added delight, making the walking all the richer.

 (Présentation de l'éditeur)

Une quarantaine de randonnées à la journée sont présentées dans ce guide en anglais

295 g
Cicerone - Guide de randonnées (en anglais) - Coastal walks in Andalucia (the best hiking trails close to Andalucía's Mediterranean and Atlantic Coastlines)
20,50 €

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