Wild Things Publishing - Guide - Wild Guide Scandinavia (en anglais)

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Destination Europe
Pays / Région Danemark, Finlande, Islande, Norvège, Suède
Edition, collection Wild Things Publishing
Un superbe guide en anglais pour la Scandinavie, la Finlande et L'Islande, il vous emmène vers des coins de nature somptueux, où l'on peut nager, randonner, faire du canoë, camper ou juste profiter du calme
23,90 €
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The best-selling Wild Guide series travels to Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Denmark to explore its incredible hidden places. Spectacular photography guides the reader to over 800 wild adventures. Including wild swimming, canoe camping, secret beaches and places to forage, eat and stay.

Introduction to the book
The Scandinavian countries and Iceland have a shared linguistic and cultural heritage and, with the exception of Denmark, they are home to some of the largest remaining tracts of true wilderness in Europe. Sweden and Norway alone are so vast that it would be impossible to do the entire countries justice in a single guide. For these two countries, the book focuses on eight different areas or specific journeys in each. The selection has been made to give you, the reader and potential visitor, a meaningful and satisfying taste of the different landscapes that both Sweden and Norway have to offer.

For the considerably smaller countries of Denmark and Iceland, each has been divided up into four geographical areas. And for each of these areas – and this applies to all countries – you will see an obvious focus on a particular mode of transport or type of activity. These suggestions offer you the chance to experience the very best of that particular area and direct you to places where opportunities for even more adventures are likely to open up. The book is primarily a summer guide for all the areas of Scandinavia and Iceland, but many of these places offer wonders at all times of year.

Landscapes shaped by fire and ice
Mainland Scandinavia’s landscape has been largely shaped by glaciation during the last ice age and its immediate aftermath. The most obvious evidence are the lakes and fjords, but you’ll find examples of other glacial landforms all over the region. In the High Coast area of Sweden, for example, the land is still rising at a rate of about 8mm per year. This phenomenon is known as post-glacial rebound, which occurs because the land is no longer being forced down by the weight of ice. It will continue to rise until it reaches an equilibrium level. In this area alone the land has already risen 800 metres since the end of the last ice age.
Iceland is altogether different and in geological terms a much younger country. It also lies on the divergent boundary between two tectonic plates – the Eurasian and the North American – directly above a hotspot known as the ‘Iceland plume’. Seismic activity at this boundary around 16 to 18 million years ago is believed to have caused the creation of Iceland’s land mass, which is characterized by numerous volcanoes and hot springs.

(Présentation de l'éditeur)

Un superbe guide en anglais pour la Scandinavie, la Finlande et L'Islande, il vous emmène vers des coins de nature somptueux, où l'on peut nager, randonner, faire du canoë, camper... ou juste profiter du calme

Wild Things Publishing - Guide - Wild Guide Scandinavia (en anglais)
23,90 €

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