Lonely Planet - Beau Livre (en anglais) - You Only Live Once

Lonely Planet - Beau Livre - You Only Live Once
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Destination Monde
Date de publication 13 avr. 2023
Edition, collection Lonely Planet

Un ouvrage riche en illustrations, cartes, infographies et citations et proposant de nombreuses idées de voyages et d'expériences à travers le monde !
Faire face à la peur ? Dormir dans un château ? Explorer un monde perdu en Antarctique ? Apprendre à danse ? Vous avez le choix !

29,00 €
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Expédition demain matin

Détails de l'article

Voici comment l'éditeur présente ce titre sur son site : 

The second edition of You Only Live Once inspires readers to seize the day and make the most of their opportunities to discover the world. Whether they have a spare hour, day, week, month or year, this is a manual to a life well lived. It uncovers hundreds of ideas for trips and experiences that will illuminate life and inspire personal growth. 

Presented in a modern and visually inspiring hardback format, the book features stunning illustrations, maps, infographics and empowering quotes that convey how a lifetime of travel can help readers grow and discover this planet for themselves. 

What all the ideas contained within have in common is that they’re starting points. They will reignite long-forgotten desires - to learn to play blues guitar in Memphis - or spark new and unexpected ambitions: why shouldn’t you move to Provence for a year?

‘You only live once; but if you do it right, once is enough.’ - Mae West

(Source : Lonely Planet)

1,000 g
185mm × 240mm
Nombre de pages
288 pages
Lonely Planet - Beau Livre (en anglais) - You Only Live Once
29,00 €